
May 26, 2016

Sochi Autodrom - alpha version

We are releasing an incomplete version of Sochi Autodrom. Unfortunately, we don't have a time frame for a complete version of the track due to this year being heavy on real life duties for our team.

This version contains no 3D objects, but is fully functional and can be raced without major issues.

More new tracks should be available later this year in the same manner. These tracks will be named "Alpha" versions to differentiate them from the more complete "Beta" versions.

Sochi Autodrom
Sochi Autodrom
Version Release Date Download
2015 Alpha May 26th, 2016 Download


Jcaranti said...

Thank you F1 Virtual.

May i ask what other tracks will be available in alpha state?

Paulo@ I would like to help f1 virtual developing the tracks.
Please, lets put the past behind ok. Lets be smart.

Kind regards

Prblanco said...

The next planned alphas are Sakhir (a whole new .dat file), Austin and Mexico.