
December 30, 2009

Mas não é que é Portimão, ora pois?

For 2010, I´ll keep myself focusing F1 circuits. There´s much to be done, and we want them all. So here´s the update list, with my own impression on what-to-do for circuits available for 2010 championship:

1. Bahrain: 100% done and released;
2. Melbourne: 100% ok for TTM version; I´d like to update it to 2010 contender, but it would take time;
3. Sepang: 95% close to release;
4. Shanghai: All 3d landscape done, though not yet mapped, I would say 40% done so far;
5. Barcelona: 100% done and released, and I hope I´ll never touch it again;
6. Monaco: 85% done, not much to be done by me, but it need lots of hands afterall;
7. Turkish: 80%, same as Sepang, a bit delayed but never forgotten;
8. Canada: 100% ok for TTM version. I´ll update it to 2010, for sure. And Tero is gonna help us;
9. Valencia: There´s a track I want to finish this year. So far great progress by Matt Schroeder, but we need to fix dat file elevations and some fine tuning to start a brand new 3d environment;
10. Silverstone: 80% close to release;
11. Germany: I have remade whole dat and for sure this track will be done for 2010;
12. Budapest: 100% done and released;
13. Spa-Francorchamps: 80% close to release;
14. Monza: For me, TTM´s is the definitive one;
15. Singapore: I promiss I´ll finish xavier´s dat so we will surely get over it this year;
16. Suzuka: Paulo has changed dat file to its definitive concept, so it would worth to deal a bit with that circuit;
17. Korean: I don´t know, this one can wait;
18. Interlagos: 95% close to release;
19. Abu Dhabi: Paulo has captured its essence on his amazing dat. I´ll put my hands over it, who knows?

Test tracks:

1. Portimão: As I´m currently running for GP2 MOD, I´d like to have it as well.
2. Jerez: (...);
3. Mugello: Maybe a cooperation with Mr. Davide.

That´s it, we´re close to put an end on this great schedule, but there´s too much passion as well as patience. If we need 3 more years to retirement, we gotta stay tight.

We wish you all a great 2010, and keep your eyes on F1 Virtual Team.

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