About a week ago Mr. r@m decided to show us his sketches for Yas Hotel for Yas Marina Circuit Project (Picture 01).
I´ve noticed roof mesh should be a bit smoother, and had my own 3d making attempt, which result one can see at pictures 2 - 4.
In my point of view we should focus at face mapping on that roof, and a 2400 faces count would be a reasonable number due to GP4 PC spec demandings. Besides, mesh would be as smoother as we could get and there would be no harm for PO in the end.
So that r@m had a new look on to his job, improving its shape and face number just a bit. He got some of the original elevations of the hotel from Asymptote Architecture Website (http://www.asymptote.net) which helped a lot for better accuracy (pictures 4-8)
This way I think we pushed hard enough to achieve such a great result (Pic 09).
Hope you enjoy too.
Picture 01: Yas Hotel first impressions from R@m
Picture 02: Gildoorf construction process at Autocad. Face number: 2400
Picture 03: Mesh making
Picture 04: Final object with some sort of mistakes that would take a lot of time to fix.
Picture 05: R@m Process at 3dsmax: Create box + extrude shape + Rough out the contours + Meshsmooth to its final shape + face mapping = voilà!
Picture 06: Mesh smoothing
Picture 07: face number at this stage ~3000 faces and some boundaries to be mesh smoothed
Picture 08: Final shape: 3632 faces and gorgeous!
Picture 09: Test ingame. No harm to PO so far. Around 20% on my humble PC
A últiam imagem (pela colocação da câmera) lembra um barbeador.
Incrivelmente impressionante o início do trabalho.
Congratulations, friends!
Que versão é esse autocad?
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