
October 21, 2015

Sochi Autodrom - Work in progress video

Here's a preview lap of our virtual version of Sochi Autodrom. Track layout is mostly done but for a few small adjustments, while 3D modelling has just started.


Anonymous said...

Oba, otima noticia, quando sera disponibilizado download para baixar, instalar e testar?

Prblanco said...

Olá, ainda não temos previsão, mas deve ficar para 2016.

PIetro Carone said...

Meu Deus, 2016 è longe, nào è possivel um pouco antes?

Obrigado a todos, e parabens pelo trabalho.

Jordhy said...

Imaginem alguem com 65 primaveras no lombo e apaixonado por F1 assim como com praticamente todos os jogos voltados pra F1 em especial toda a serie GP a melhor de todas, agora esse ser sabendo que seus dias são cada vez menor(em quantidade) aguardar ate o longicuo 2016, sera um duro exercicio de paciencia. Espero que Ele me os dias que forem necessarios ate o lançamento do downlod.
Abraço, parabens por todo o trabalho dessa ótima equipe em prol dos GPS.

PIetro Carone said...

When will be ready this track? From October, are 5 months without news, i hope soon.

Thank You.

Prblanco said...

Hello Pietro, there's been a little progress but not enough to post news. Unfortunately most of our team is very busy with real life issues so we can't give a good estimation of when the track will be finished.

PIetro Carone said...

Ok many thanks for all explanations, i have really appreciate, i hope a day (during this year) this track will be ready.

Thank You.

With Best Regards.

Anonymous said...

I ask the permission for publish all this here:

Wait answer, Thank You.

Prblanco said...

Hi Anonymous,

Please send us an e-mail (f1virtualblog gmail com) so we can discuss this in more detail.

Anonymous said...

Ok many thanks for your answer i send very soon this email and all explanations. Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Email sending, thanks again.