
July 08, 2008

Novos banks e verges a postos.

Seja bem-vinda, querida. Muito mapeamento por fazer, no entanto. Em breve, o mesmo pra Silverstone.

Welcome, dear. A lot of mapping yet, but fair enough. Soon, the same for Silverstone. Hey Schueyfan, need to talk to you!


Anonymous said...

Lookin' good Gildoorf, do you also plan the national circuit version of Magny-Cours?



Anonymous said...

Wonderfull pics again and very clean and detailed verges and banks.
Great work.


gildoorf said...

@Thanks Turbo! Yep, Paulo has done .dat file, we just have to match it properly with graphic part...

@Laurent, you´re welcome, mate. In fact, it will be even better as soon we have that "weird" feature on 3dbuilder :)

Anonymous said...


i've been away for a week, but i'm back now and ready to help! ;) send me a message when you are ready.

btw, all of the progress looks great over the last week while i have been away!!
