
November 06, 2008

Interlagos 2008

A pista brasileira como foi vista em 2008. Trabalho baseado nas mudanças originais do Ricardo Lampert, e muitas texturas minhas e de colegas da comunidade. Trabalho rápido, mas não eficaz, de alteração do pitlane, guard-rails, pódio, arquibancadas novas, áreas de escape, etc;

Interlagos as 2008. Based on Lampert´s job, updated with many textures from TTM, mine, Schueyfan, Martin, etc. Quick job, new dat - pitlane entrance and exit, fences position, new podium, grandstands, garages and muppets, braskem banks, kerbs and that´s all.


Anonymous said...

This is nice that Interlagos will be updated...there have been many changes within the last years, especially to runoff areas. Btw, you don't need to concentrate on track textures (grass, gravel, green, tarmac)...just take any good ones for the start because this track needs completly new ones which I'd like to create later :)


Anonymous said...

looks great! you'll be recieving my work tomorrow!


gildoorf said...

Hi Ed and Martin.

I´ll try to keep my textures low till I receive your job. In fact only texture I really to create in advance are those for braskem banks.

I have deleted tons of unused stuff from Lampert´s version, but there will be some hard job on grandstands now.

@Ed, how are your 3d skills? We need here helipont beside pitbuilding.

@Martin, tell if it´s possible to send dat to you to start a whole revision.

Best regards you both.

Anonymous said...

hi, i am uploading mine now. i will send it to you (gildoorf) by PM at GPG - if you want it martin, let me know.

unfortunately, my 3D skills are non-existent...
