
February 27, 2009

De volta para o futuro...

Só para os desatentos: é Fuji Speedway, baseada no último evento de 2008.

Os demais projetos continuam andando. Inclusive uma versão de Assen prum amigo nosso.

PS: TTM, espero que isso te empolgue pra voltar.

@Tero, valeu pelo comentário.

Aliás, dividi a pista em quatro fatias, de modo a desenvolver cada uma por vez, em sequência, e só passando de uma pra outra quando estivesse 100% concluída a última. Isso adianta meu esforço com menores objetos que certamente serão utilizados em fatias seguintes.

For dummies: it´s Fuji Speedway, based on last 2008 event.

Other projects being carried on, including an Assen version for a friend of us.

PS: Tero, hope this tease to get back.

@Tero, thanks for feedback.

By the way, I split track into four slices, so that I´ll only pass through from one to another since I have 100% finished last one. This helps me once it forces me to create new stands, smaller objects that will be used for next slices. I think you TTM would help me a lot with textures and some 3d objects you would like to create by your own... Don´t hurry at all, and please post me.


Anonymous said...

looks superb, i had no idea it was this far advanced!

great to see another one of your projects coming along well :)


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.. Gildoorf, i'm very suprised about progress of the Fuji Speedway. :D ..I will contact you very soon.. :D

Anonymous said...

That's nice progress..looks good and I also hope that Tero can give a little least as much as he has time and motivation for.

Unfortunately I did not make progress on exams are too difficult to spend my time for anything else than learning.

But I finished Hungaroring within the last two weeks. Should I send it to you or to Paolo? I think it's fininshed and nothing needs to be done...apart from a quick beta test to check everything.
Maybe a loading screen in GP4 style with the new layout would be cool. Apart from that it's complete.

I will continue with Interlagos in 2 weeks after my exams.


Anonymous said...

Essa pista vai ficar incrível... Vou poder dar um chega pra lá no KUBICA com o MASSA na última volta....e depois vou recomeçar minha TEMPORADA DE 2006 jogando com o Yuji Ide...hehehehehehe