
March 17, 2011

GP4 Onboard Lap - Nico Rosberg - Circuito do Algarve - 2011

Nico Rosberg, aka Mathieu Brière, put his wheels at Circuito do Algarve at Portimão, Portugal, for a very private session these days. Here his first impressions of the new GP4 venue:

"Great fun ! Many 1st gear turns, but all different to each other, so they're very challenging. Challenging is how I'd describe this track best".

"While some corners look easy on map, they need a different approach due to the previous corner. The best example are turns 11 & 12. You have to turn in late and slow down just enough for the second apex, which then becomes quicker than one would think".

"Track seems very accurate. From the hills inside the track to the buildings, every detail is shown with outstanding accuracy. Just watch an A1GP onboard and you'll see!".

Thanks Mathieu, oops... Mr. Rosberg.

P.S.: Track project is still WIP. Further development will be achieved to last version at proper time.


celio_jr said...

Mais um excelente trabalho de toda a equipe F1Virtual.
A reprodução da topografia ficou ótima, assim como o horizonte, arquibancadas e os edifícios.
Algarve não é uma pista facil de se fazer nem de se pilotar, ams marcas no asfalto denunciam.
Creio que falta apenas melhorar em alguns pontos da pista a CC-lines.

Another excellent work of the entire team F1Virtual.
The reproduction of the topography was great, like the horizon, bleachers and buildings.
Algarve is not an easy road to do not to ride, the pavement markings ams denounce.
I believe that lack only improved on some points of track CC-lines.

Emy et Math said...

I forgot to mention something. This is the first time since I'm playing the game (since 2003) that I can use Anti Alias (6x) without making the game slow down. So the objects must be quite simple but good looking !

gildoorf said...

About CPU Performance, that´s F1 Virtual bench marking. Whole wad sums 4 scenes, 3746 parts, 87297 faces and 149596 vertices. It will be surely raised after some changes by next workers. For now, still beta stage, it´s really close to original GP4 tracks 3d mesh standards.

Anonymous said...

Parabéns, trabalho maravilhoso é possivel ja dizer para quando estará pronto pelo menos uma versao beta? Espero ansioasamente para experimentar.

Cumprimentos de Portugal.